How to debug and fix chromedriver and selenium errors

You an enable the chromedriver log to debug and fix chromedriver and Selenium errors such as "unknown error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". First start the chromedriver in the background: ```bash nohup chromedriver --port=12345 --verbose --log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log & ``` Then configure Selenium to use the chromedriver instance: ```bash, browser: :chrome, options: ..., url: 'http://localhost:12345') ``` Next run the tests and inspect the chromedriver log. In my case the issue was that an unreachable URL, see the unreachableUrl property in the output below: ```bash [1659101781.048][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameNavigated B30A4B9FE0908FDACE0522341267520A { "frame": { "adFrameStatus": { "adFrameType": "none" }, "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated", "domainAndRegistry": "", "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ], "id": "B30A4B9FE0908FDACE0522341267520A", "loaderId": "595BC7FEFD2C1ECCE31157FF7972F889", "mimeType": "text/html", "secureContextType": "InsecureScheme", "securityOrigin": "://", "unreachableUrl": "http://localhost:3030/", "url": "chrome-error://chromewebdata/" }, "type": "Navigation" } ``` Thanks: