How to use PostgreSQL advisory locks with SQLAlchemy and Python ```python from models import Session from sqlalchemy import func, select def execute(session, lock_fn, lock_id, scope): """ Executes the lock function """ return session.execute(select([lock_fn(lock_id, scope)])).scalar() def obtain_lock(session, lock_id, scope): """ Obtains the advisory lock """ lock_fn = func.pg_try_advisory_lock return execute(session, lock_fn, lock_id, scope) def release_lock(session, lock_id, scope): """ Releases the advisory lock """ lock_fn = func.pg_advisory_unlock return execute(session, lock_fn, lock_id, scope) def with_lock(my_func, lock_id, scope=1): """ Executes my_func if the lock can be obtained. """ session = Session() obtained_lock = False try: obtained_lock = obtain_lock(session, lock_id, scope) if obtained_lock: my_func() finally: if obtained_lock: release_lock(session, lock_id, scope) ``` Usage: ```python from advisory_lock import with_lock def run(): print("It runs") if __name__ == '__main__': with_lock(run, 300000) ``` There are two types of advisory locks: - session-level: released when session ends (might be never when using session pooling), or manually with pg_advisory_unlock For example: pg_try_advisory_lock - transaction-level: released automatically on commit and rollback For example: pg_advisory_xact_lock