Refreshing all materialized views in the correct order with one command

The following code is from ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mat_view_dependencies AS WITH RECURSIVE s(start_schemaname,start_relname,start_relkind, schemaname,relname,relkind,reloid,owneroid,ownername,depth) AS ( -- List of tables and views that mat views depend on SELECT n.nspname AS start_schemaname, c.relname AS start_relname, c.relkind AS start_relkind, n2.nspname AS schemaname, c2.relname, c2.relkind, c2.oid AS reloid, au.oid AS owneroid, au.rolname AS ownername, 0 AS depth FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace=n.oid AND c.relkind IN ('r','m','v','t','f') JOIN pg_depend d ON c.oid=d.refobjid JOIN pg_rewrite r ON d.objid=r.oid JOIN pg_class c2 ON r.ev_class=c2.oid -- AND c2.relkind='m' JOIN pg_namespace n2 ON n2.oid=c2.relnamespace JOIN pg_authid au ON au.oid=c2.relowner UNION -- Recursively find all mat views depending on previous level SELECT s.start_schemaname, s.start_relname, s.start_relkind, n.nspname AS schemaname, c2.relname, c2.relkind, c2.oid, au.oid AS owneroid, au.rolname AS ownername, s.depth+1 AS depth FROM s JOIN pg_depend d ON s.reloid=d.refobjid JOIN pg_rewrite r ON d.objid=r.oid JOIN pg_class c2 ON r.ev_class=c2.oid AND (c2.relkind IN ('m','v')) JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c2.relnamespace JOIN pg_authid au ON au.oid=c2.relowner WHERE s.reloid <> c2.oid -- exclude the current MV which always depends on itself ) SELECT * FROM s; -------------------------------------------------- --- A view that returns the list of mat views in the --- order they should be refreshed. -------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mat_view_refresh_order AS WITH b AS ( -- Select the highest depth of each mat view name SELECT DISTINCT ON (schemaname,relname) schemaname, relname, ownername, depth FROM mat_view_dependencies WHERE relkind='m' ORDER BY schemaname, relname, depth DESC ) -- Reorder appropriately SELECT schemaname, relname, ownername, depth AS refresh_order FROM b ORDER BY depth, schemaname, relname ; ``` We can now write a custom function to execute the refresh of all materialized views in the correct order: ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION refresh_materialized_views () RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN EXECUTE (SELECT string_agg('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW "' || schemaname || '"."' || relname || '";', '' ORDER BY refresh_order) AS script FROM mat_view_refresh_order); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ``` We use a simple select to execute the dynamically generated SQL ```sql SELECT refresh_materialized_views(); ```