How to use Rails' form_for with a PostgreSQL array

Using Rails' form_for with a PostgreSQL array, for example, user roles can be done as follows: Migration: ```ruby class CreateProjectMembers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :project_members, id: :uuid do |t| ... t.string :roles, array: true, default: [] ``` Model: ```ruby class ProjectMember < ApplicationRecord validate :validate_roles ROLES = %w[administrator collaborator].freeze def validate_roles return if roles.is_a?(Array) && roles.all? { |d| ROLES.include?(d) } errors.add(:roles, :invalid) end end ``` View (slim-lang): ```ruby = form @project_member do |f| .form-group = f.label :roles, 'Roles' = f.check_box :roles, { label: 'Administrator', multiple: true }, 'administrator', nil = f.check_box :roles, { label: 'Collaborator', multiple: true }, 'collaborator', nil ``` Controller: ```ruby class ProjectMembersController < ApplicationController ... def update if @project_member.update(project_member_params) ... end def project_member_params params.require(:project_member).permit(roles: []) end ``` Note that if you have a "has_many through" relationship, instead of a PostgreSQL array, you can simply use: ```ruby = f.collection_check_boxes(:locale_ids, Locale.all, :id, :language) do |b| b.check_box ``` Reference: