Database diff

This script will connect to two databases, named old and new, and print: - the names of the tables that cannot be found in the new database - the difference in the amount of rows per table, if there is a difference in the number of rows db_diff.rb: ```ruby # # Postgres database diff script. Prints the names of missing tables and the # difference in the amount of rows per table. # require 'sequel' require 'pg' require 'yaml' require 'pry' list_tables_sql = "SELECT tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';" OLD_DB = Sequel.connect(YAML.load('old_database.yml'))) NEW_DB = Sequel.connect(YAML.load('new_database.yml'))) OLD_TABLES = OLD_DB[list_tables_sql].map{ |x| x.fetch(:tablename) } NEW_TABLES = NEW_DB[list_tables_sql].map{ |x| x.fetch(:tablename) } # Compare tables def diff_tables OLD_TABLES - NEW_TABLES end # Compare row count def diff_row_count OLD_TABLES.sort.reduce({}) do |hash, table| sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM %{table}" # Sequel's count method does not work. diff = OLD_DB[sql % {table: table}].first[:count].to_i - NEW_DB[sql % {table: table}].first[:count].to_i hash[table] = diff if diff != 0 hash end end puts JSON.pretty_generate(tables: diff_tables, rows: diff_row_count) ``` Gemfile: ```ruby source '' gem 'sequel' gem 'pg' gem 'pry' ``` new_database.yml and old_database.yml: ```yaml adapter: postgres host: localhost port: 5432 encoding: unicode database: x_production username: x password: x ``` To run the script: ```bash gem install bundler bundle bundle exec ruby db_diff.rb ``` ## Other migration and diff tools - > migra is a schema diff tool for PostgreSQL. Use it to compare database schemas or autogenerate migration scripts. - > Given two database connections, it output a file that represent the difference between schemas. It means that if you run the output file into the from database, it'll have the same schema as the to database. - > Compares the PostgreSQL schema between two databases and generates SQL statements that can be run manually against the second database to make their schemas match.