Elasticsearch: How to delete log entries older than X days with Curator

```bash # Install curator pip install curator # Download curator config file curl -o curator.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/curator/master/examples/curator.yml ``` Next, download, read, and edit the action file: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/curator/current/actionfile.html ```bash # Run curator curator --config curator.yml action_file.yml ``` Add this to crontab: ```cron # Run curator at 00:01 01 00 * * * /usr/local/bin/curator --config /etc/elasticsearch/curator/curator.yml /etc/elasticsearch/curator/remove-old-data.yml >> /var/log/elasticsearch-cu rotor.log ``` Tested with Elasticsearch 6.0 and curator version 5.4.1.