How to get rid of Gulp, Grunt, and

I would happily pay 50-100€ for a build tool that would help me get rid of Gulp, Grunt, etc, and save me from hours of unproductive fighting with unreliable tools. The following snippet is not quite a full solution for getting rid of Gulp/Grunt. ## Installation ```bash npm install -g node-sass browserify babelify uglify-js ``` ## Usage ```bash # Compile JS modules into one file browserify js/app.js -o dist/js/app.js -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] # Compile CSS/SASS modules into one file node-sass css/app.scss --output-style compressed --include-path node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets dist/css/app.css # Minify JS uglifyjs --compress --mangle -o dist/js/app.js -- dist/js/app.js ``` Note: - node-sass supports a watch switch. - browserify does not support a watch switch. However, you can use beefy: See [How to Use npm as a Build Tool](