Multi-tenancy in Ecto and Phoenix

## Creating a new tentant A new tenant requires a namespace, which is a schema in Postgres, and a prefix in Ecto: ```bash $ psql -U postgres database_x > create schema aktagon; ``` ## Querying data ```elixir import Ecto.Query email = "[email protected]" q = from(m in User, where: == ^email) Repo.all(%{q | prefix: "aktagon"}) ``` Documentation: ## Inserting data ```elixir Repo.insert( Ecto.put_meta( %User{ email: "[email protected]" }, prefix: "aktagon" ) ) ``` ## Migrations ```bash $ mix ecto.migrate --prefix "aktagon" ``` ## Notes - (KeyError) key :\_\_meta\_\_ not found I got this error when passing a changeset to Ecto.put_meta instead of a User struct.