How to send emails with Mailgun and Elixir

This example shows how to send emails with Mailgun and Elixir: ```elixir url = "" headers = [ "User-Agent": "My App", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ] params = %{ "from" => "[email protected]", "to" => "[email protected]", "subject" => "Hello Christian", "text" => "Hello" } body = URI.encode_query(params) auth = { "api", "key-xxx" } response = url, [body: body, headers: headers, basic_auth: auth] if !HTTPotion.Response.success?(response) do throw(response.body) end Poison.decode!(response.body) ``` Replace the API key and mailgun URL with your own API key and URL. ## Dependencies * [HTTPotion - HTTP client]( * [Poison - JSON](