Pagination with Phoenix and Ecto

Tested with Ecto 2.2 and Phoenix 1.3. This module allows you to perform pagination with Phoenix and Ecto: ```elixir defmodule Pagination do import Ecto.Query alias Snippets.Repo # # ## Example # # Snippets.Snippet # |> order_by(desc: :inserted_at) # |>, per_page: 10) # def page(query, page, per_page: per_page) when is_nil(page) do page(query, 0, per_page: per_page) end def page(query, page, per_page: per_page) when is_binary(page) do page = String.to_integer(page) page(query, page, per_page: per_page) end def page(query, page, per_page: per_page) do count = per_page + 1 result = query |> limit(^count) |> offset(^(page*per_page)) |> Repo.all has_next = (length(result) == count) has_prev = page > 0 total_count = t in subquery(query), select: count("*")) page = %{ has_next: has_next, has_prev: has_prev, prev_page: page - 1, next_page: page + 1, page: page, first: page*per_page+1, last: Enum.min([page+1*per_page, total_count]), count: total_count, list: Enum.slice(result, 0, count-1) } end end ``` Usage: ```elixir Snippets.Snippet |> order_by(desc: :inserted_at) |>, per_page: 10) ``` ## View helper ```elixir defmodule PaginationHelpers do import Phoenix.HTML import Phoenix.HTML.Form import Phoenix.HTML.Link import Phoenix.HTML.Tag def pagination_text(list) do ~e""" Displaying <%= list.first %>-<%= list.last %> of <%= list.count %> """ end def pagination_links(conn, list, route) do content_tag :div, class: "pagination" do children = [] if list.has_prev do children = children ++ link "Previous", to: route.(conn, :index, page: list.prev_page), class: "btn btn-secondary col-md-1" end if list.has_next do children = children ++ link "Next", to: route.(conn, :index, page: list.next_page), class: "btn btn-secondary col-md-1" end children end end end ``` Usage: ```elixir <%= pagination_text(@snippets) %> <%= pagination_links(@conn, @snippets, &snippet_path/3) %> ```