Hello Racket

## Install Racket Install racket: ``` brew cask install racket ``` Do NOT use *brew install racket*, because it will install the minimal-racket distribution which is missing a lot of tools and packages. ## Write Hello World ```racket #lang racket ;; ;; From the command line: ;; ;; $ racket -it multiply.rkt ;; ;; Export multiply function so that we can call it from the REPL ;; (provide multiply) ;; ;; Define the multiply method ;; (define (multiply number n) (* number n)) ;; ;; Execute function ;; (multiply 1 2) (multiply 2 3) ;; ;; Write a unit test for the multiply method ;; (module+ test (require rackunit) (check-equal? (multiply 0 0) 0) (check-equal? (multiply 2 2) 4)) ```