Fixing "enif_send: env==NULL on non-SMP VMAborted"

I received the following error while testing an Elixir application on a Debian VPS having only 1 CPU: ```erlang enif_send: env==NULL on non-SMP VMAborted ``` Usually this means your Erlang VM was compiled without SMP support. In my case, the issue was caused by the VPS having only 1 CPU, as explained in the documentation for *erl*: ``` $ man erl ... -smp [enable|auto|disable] -smp enable and -smp starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled. This may fail if no runtime system with SMP support is available. -smp auto starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled if it is available and more than one logical processor are detected. -smp disable starts a runtime system without SMP support. ... ``` Also see I fixed the issue by enabling SMP-mode using the *--erl* switch: ```bash MIX_ENV=prod iex --erl "-smp enable" -S mix ``` Next, I tried to fix the issue by using the ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS environment variable: ``` ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-smp enable" ``` This works fine when running the application with mix. However, with exrm this option does not work. ## exrm If you're deploying your app to production using exrm then you have to add the switch to *running-config/vm.args* after each deploy, or in *rel/vm.args* for a permanent solution: ``` # Enable SMP on 1 CPU machines -smp enable ``` See this issue on Github for more information about why you can't use *ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-smp enable"*: Also see the exrm documentation for more details: