How to sign XML documents using XMLDSig (XML Signature)

## Install xmlsec1 ```bash sudo apt-get install xmlsec1 ``` ## Create document ```xml All XML is doomed to fail. ``` ## Sign document ```bash xmlsec1 --sign --privkey-pem, --output signed.xml tosign.xml ``` This example uses [test certificates issued by VRK]( ## Verify document ```bash xmlsec1 --verify --trusted-pem vrkthsp.pem --trusted-pem vrktestc.pem signed.xml ``` Note that a concatenated PEM file, i.e. cat vrkthsp.pem vrktestc.pem > concat.pem, does not work with xmlsec1. ## How to specify which elements to sign with ds:Reference Add one or more ds:Reference elements to specify which elements should be signed. Each element should have a unique ID in the URI attribute. The ID should be prefixed with a hash, e.g., *\#your-id*: ```xml ``` Make sure your document contains an element having the exact ID without the hash prefix: ```xml ``` Next, use the "--id-attr" switch to specify the element and attribute name: ```bash xmlsec1 --sign --privkey-pem signing.key,signing.pem --id-attr:ID Dog --id-attr:ID structuredBody --output signed.xml tosign.xml ``` Note that "id" is the default attribute name. You only need --id-attr switch if you have the ID in an attribute having a different name. How to sign multiple elements ----------------------------- Just add another "--id-attr: " switch: ```bash xmlsec1 --sign --privkey-pem signing.key,signing.pem --id-attr:ID signatureTimestamp --id-attr:ID structuredBody --output signed.xml tosign.xml ``` Then add another element having the given ID. Troubleshooting --------------- - This error means you don't have the correct [trusted pem]() ```bash certificate issuer check failed:err=2;msg=unable to get issuer certificate;issuer=/C=FI/ST=Finland/O=Vaestorekisterikeskus TEST/OU=Certification Authority Services/OU=Varmennepalvelut/CN=VRK TEST Root CA ``` To fix the error, take a hard look at the Issuer and Subject of all certificates in the certificate chain. For example: ```bash openssl x509 -inform DER -in vrktestc.crt -text | grep "Issuer\|Subject" ``` - xmlsec1 fails to find element containing ID ```bash func=xmlSecXPathDataExecute:file=xpath.c:line=273:obj=unknown:subj=xmlXPtrEval:error=5:libxml2 library function failed:expr=xpointer(id('ID_OF_ELEMENT_TO_SIGN')) ``` Note that the XPATH queries are case sensitive. This means you might have to specify both the name of the element and the name of the ID attribute like this: ```bash xmlsec1 sign --id-attr:ID elementThatYouWantToSign ... ``` For more solutions to issues, see [](