How to introduce Rubocop in your project

Installation ------------ Edit Gemfile: ```ruby group :development do gem 'rubocop' # Style guide checker gem 'guard-rubocop' # Rubocop plugin for Guard end ``` Install: ```ruby $ bundle ``` Usage ----- Run Rubocop: ```ruby $ rubocop --auto-gen-config ``` Tweaking -------- Edit .rubocop.yml: ```ruby inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml ``` Introduce new rules gradually in priority order by enabling and moving rules from .rubocop\_todo.yml to .rubocop.yml. You can also use the Ruby style-guide's rubocop configuration: Workflow integration -------------------- Run: ```ruby $ guard init rubocop ``` Edit Guardfile: ```ruby guard :rubocop, all_on_start: false, cli: ['--format', 'clang', '--rails'] do watch(%r{.+\.rb$}) watch(%r{(?:.+/)?\.rubocop\.yml$}) { |m| File.dirname(m[0]) } end ``` Editor Integration ------------------ Optionally, integrate Rubocop with your editor: \* [Textmate]( \* [Vim]( CI integration -------------- See [How to introduce rubocop and integrate into Jenkins](