How to Use the JSON and HStore Postgres Data Types With Rails 4

First enable the hstore Postgres extension. In this example we define both a JSON and an HStore column: ```ruby class Schema < ActiveRecord::Migration def change enable_extension "hstore" create_table :links do |t| t.hstore :data t.column :settings, :json end end end ``` Next, we specify accessors for the data that we will be stored in the JSON and HStore columns: ```ruby class Link < ActiveRecord::Base # Use hstore for text-only data: store :data, :name, :url, :description # Use JSON to support string, number, object, array, true, false, null store :settings, :update_interval, :created_at, :updated_at ``` We can now use the defined ActiveRecord attributes to store and access JSON and HStore data: ```ruby Link.create! name: 'Google', url: '', description: 'Ad company', update_interval:, created_at: ``` Querying the data is where you'll see the biggest differences. Two examples: ```ruby # hstore Link.where("data -> 'name' = ?", 'Google') # json Link.where("CAST(settings->>'update_interval' as integer) = ?", ``` Notes for Postgres 9.3: \* HStore can store only text. Nested data is not supported. \* [JSON supports]( the following types: string, number, object, array, true, false, null. For example, date and time types are not supported. Nested data is supported.