How to Use Rails I18n With JavaScript/CoffeeScript

Option 1: Include all translations ---------------------------------- Your app/assets/javascripts/ file: ```javascript root = exports ? this I18n = <%= I18n.backend.send(:translations).to_json.html_safe %> $ -> root.I18n = I18n[$('body').data('lang')] ``` Option 2: Include a limited set of translations ----------------------------------------------- Your app/assets/javascripts/ file: ```javascript root = exports ? this I18n = <% I18n.available_locales.each do |lang| I18n.with_locale lang do %> <%= lang %>: text: "<%= I18n.t("js.text") %>" <% end end %> $ -> root.I18n = I18n[$('body').data('lang')] ``` Include the Selected Locale in the Rails Layout ----------------------------------------------- The view defines the user's selected locale: ```javascript ... ``` How to Translate JavaScript Strings ----------------------------------- We can now translate strings in a JavaScript file: ```javascript # remember to use $(document).ready... alert(I18n.text) ```