How to Implement Flash for Sinatra with Cookies

Storing your application's flash messages in a cookie means you can cache the whole page. ## Ruby/Sinatra ```ruby def flash(key, value) fail "Invalid key '#{key}'" unless [ :info, :error ].include?(key) response.set_cookie "flash_#{key}", value: I18n.t(value), path: '/' end ``` Put the code in a helper or controller. ## Javascript ```javascript var Flash; Flash = (function() { function Flash(flash_holder, cookie_prefix) { this.flash_holder = flash_holder; this.cookie_prefix = cookie_prefix; if (this.flash_holder == null) { this.flash_holder = '#flash'; } if (this.cookie_prefix == null) { this.cookie_prefix = 'flash_'; } } = function() { var i, key, len, name, ref, results, value; ref = ['info', 'error']; results = []; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { key = ref[i]; name = this.cookie_prefix + key; value = Cookies.get(name); if (value) { $(this.flash_holder).attr('class', name).html(value).show('fast'); results.push(Cookies.remove(name)); } else { results.push(void 0); } } return results; }; return Flash; })(); $(function() { new Flash().show(); return new Flash('#flash_holder', 'cookie_prefix').show(); }); ``` ## HTML ```javascript
``` ## CSS ```css #flash { display: none } .flash_info { color: darkgreen } .flash_error { color: darkred } ``` Usage ----- In your controller: ```javascript get '/' do flash :info, 'login.failed' end ``` ## Dependencies * [js-cookie]( * I18n gem