Integration Tests With Capybara, Devise, Minitest::Spec, and Capybara-Webkit

Does your boss want you to run integration tests with Capybara, Devise, Minitest::Spec, Capybara-Webkit, and the Headless gem? Then use this code, which features: \* Automatic test failure on JavaScript errors \* Check for XSS attack vectors with assert\_no\_alerts. \* Sign in/out with Devise ```ruby require 'headless' require 'awesome_print' headless = true, destroy_at_exit: false) puts "Headless mode. Display :#{headless.display}. PID #{}" headless.start class IntegrationSpec < MiniTest::Spec include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include Capybara::DSL include Warden::Test::Helpers Warden.test_mode! before do assert_no_js_errors end after do Warden.test_reset! end def sign_in(user, scope = :user) login_as(user, scope: scope) end def sign_out(scope = :user) logout(scope) end def assert_no_js_errors errors = page.driver.error_messages assert_equal 0, errors.size, end def assert_no_alerts(types = [:alert, :confirm, :prompt]) types.each do |type| alerts = page.driver.send(:"#{type}_messages") assert_equal 0, alerts.size, end end def default_url_options Rails.configuration.action_mailer.default_url_options end end MiniTest::Spec.register_spec_type( /integration$/, IntegrationSpec ) ``` Remember to name your tests like this: ```ruby require 'test_helper' describe "Dashboard integration" do ... end ``` Otherwise the tests won't inherit from the IntegrationSpec class.