How to use Rack::Cache with Rails 3

In Gemfile: ```ruby # Rails 3 includes rack-cache, so this is not needed. gem 'rack-cache' ``` In config/environments/production.rb: ```ruby config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = { :metastore => "file:tmp/rack-cache/meta", :entitystore => "file:tmp/rack-cache/body", :verbose => true, # print debug information to log :allow_reload => false, # allow user to force reload? :allow_revalidate => false, # allow user to force reload? :private_headers => ['Cookie', 'Set-Cookie', 'Authorization'], # don't store these in the cache! :cache_key => lambda { |request| + ":jebus" }, # customize the cache key to make boss happy #:metastore => 'memcached://localhost:11211/meta', #:entitystore => 'memcached://localhost:11211/body' } ``` In app/controllers/application\_controller.rb: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def cache_for(ttl = 5.minutes) response.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept' # We want to cache JSON and HTML separately! NOTE this header varies between browsers, so not optimal... expires_in(ttl, :public => true) unless signed_in? # We don't want to cache content if user is signed in! end ``` Now you can cache all you want: ```ruby def index cache_for(100.years) @data = BigData.all end ``` Reference: \* [Rack::Cache on Github]( \* [Vary Header for RESTful Applications](