How to capture screenshots with Selenium, Ruby and Firefox

Option \#1 Selenium-WebDriver gem --------------------------------- First install the selenium-webdriver gem: ```ruby gem install selenium-webdriver ``` Then start using it: ```ruby require 'selenium-webdriver' width = 1024 height = 728 driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox '' driver.execute_script %Q{ window.resizeTo(#{width}, #{height}); } driver.save_screenshot('/tmp/screenshot.png') driver.quit ``` [Reference]( Option \#2 Selenium Server and the Selenium Gem ----------------------------------------------- I was using this option for quite some time, when it stopped working I started using the selenium-webdriver gem instead. First create a separate Firefox profile: ```ruby firefox -ProfileManager -no-remote ``` Find the path to the profile by executing this code in the JavaScript error console in Firefox: ```ruby Components.classes[";1"].getService( Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path ``` The path looks somewhat like this on OSX: ```ruby /Users/christian/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/xxx ``` Now download the [Selenium Server]( Then start a Selenium server: ```ruby java -jar ~/Downloads/selenium-server-standalone-2.0b1.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "/Users/christian/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/9eb0mn2d.screenshots/" -singleWindow ``` Next install the Selenium Ruby client: ```ruby gem install selenium-client ``` Take a screenshot with Ruby: ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'selenium' @selenium ="localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "", 10000); @selenium.start "/US/" @selenium.wait_for_page_to_load(60) @selenium.send(:sleep, 7) # Wait for Flash and other crap to load @selenium.capture_entire_page_screenshot('/tmp/screenshot.png', ''); @selenium.stop ``` Want more? Read the [Selenium RC]( and [Selenium client documentation](