PassengerPreStart, PassengerFriendlyErrorPages, and PassengerMinInstances - Three essential configuration parameters in Phusion Passenger 3.0

Apache ------ This setting will make your users and the Google bot happy by starting your application as soon as Apache/nginx starts: ```ruby PassengerPreStart ``` When combined with the PassengerMinInstances parameter, Passenger will keep at least one instance alive at all times: ```ruby PassengerMinInstances 1 ``` This setting makes hackers unhappy by disabling Passenger's default error page, which contains sensitive information: ```ruby PassengerFriendlyErrorPages On ``` [Read passenger's Apache documentation]( for details. nginx ----- Passenger's nginx module has a slightly different naming convention: ```ruby passenger_min_instances 1 passenger_friendly_error_pages on ``` Plus you need to put the passenger\_pre\_start inside an http directive. I just put them all in passenger.conf: ```ruby passenger_pre_start ``` If you don't put it where it belongs, you'll get this error: ```ruby Starting nginx: [emerg]: "passenger_pre_start" directive is not allowed here in /opt/nginx/conf/sites/ ``` [Read Passenger's nginx documentation]( for details.