How to use Rake for backing up MySQL databases

This is a customized version of [this script]( ```ruby require 'find' namespace :db do desc "Backup the database to a file. Options: DIR=base_dir RAILS_ENV=production MAX=20" task :backup => [:environment] do datestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") base_path = ENV["DIR"] || "db" backup_base = File.join(base_path, 'backup') backup_folder = File.join(backup_base, datestamp) backup_file = File.join(backup_folder, "#{RAILS_ENV}_dump.sql.gz") FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_folder) db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV] pass = '' pass = '-p' + db_config['password'] if db_config['password'] cmd = "mysqldump -P #{db_config['port']} -h #{db_config['host']} -u #{db_config['username']} #{pass} #{db_config['da tabase']} -Q --add-drop-table -O add-locks=FALSE -O lock-tables=FALSE | gzip -c > #{backup_file}" sh cmd dir = all_backups = dir.entries[2..-1].sort.reverse puts "Created backup: #{backup_file}" max_backups = (ENV["MAX"] || 20).to_i puts max_backups unwanted_backups = all_backups[max_backups..-1] || [] for unwanted_backup in unwanted_backups FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(backup_base, unwanted_backup)) puts "deleted #{unwanted_backup}" end puts "Deleted #{unwanted_backups.length} backups, #{all_backups.length - unwanted_backups.length} backups available" end end ```