How to configure wildcard and fuzzy search for Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx

This how-to explains how to configure wildcard and fuzzy search for Sphinx and the Thinking Sphinx Rails plugin. Configure wildcard and fuzzy search in your model ------------------------------------------------- First set the enable\_star and min\_infix\_len properties inside the define\_index block: ```ruby class Post... define_index do ... set_property :enable_star => true set_property :min_infix_len => 1 end ``` Optionally you can make the settings global by adding them to **config/sphinx.yml**: ```ruby production: enable_star: true min_infix_len: 1 ``` Stop, configure, reindex and start Sphinx ----------------------------------------- For Sphinx to pickup the changes we need to stop, configure, reindex and start Sphinx. Thinking Sphinx has some rake tasks that allow you to do this: ```ruby RAILS_ENV=xxx rake ts:stop rake ts:conf rake ts:in rake ts:start ``` Verify Sphinx configuration --------------------------- Now open the Sphinx configuration file in an editor: ```ruby $ vim config/production.sphinx.conf ``` Verify that you can see the correct settings: ```ruby ... index post_core { ... min_infix_len = 1 enable_star = true } ... ``` Test ---- Fire up the console and run some queries: ```ruby'xxx', :star => true) ``` Create a search controller -------------------------- Now all that's left is to create the search controller and view: ```ruby class SearchController... def index @query = params[:query] options = { :page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page], :star => true, :field_weights => { :title => 20, :tags => 10, :body => 5 } } @posts =, options) end ``` Note that to get relevant search results you need to assign different weights to fields. And finally, here's the view code: ```ruby <% @posts.each do |post| %> Nude pics go here... <% end %> ``` References ---------- [Thinking Sphinx advanced documentation]( [Sphinx Documentation: min\_infix\_len]( [Sphinx Documentation: min\_prefix\_len]( [Sphinx Documentation: enable\_star](