Crop + Gravity + Paperclip

By default the cropping is weighted at the center of the Geometry. I want it to be north west, so I came up with this dirty hack for setting the gravity to north west: ```ruby module Paperclip # Defines the geometry of an image. class Geometry def cropping dst, ratio, scale if ratio.horizontal? || ratio.square? #"%dx%d+%d+%d" % [ dst.width, dst.height, 0, (self.height * scale - dst.height) / 2 ] "%dx%d+%d+%d" % [ dst.width, dst.height, 0, 0 ] else #"%dx%d+%d+%d" % [ dst.width, dst.height, (self.width * scale - dst.width) / 2, 0 ] "%dx%d+%d+%d" % [ dst.width, dst.height, 0, 0 ] end end end end ```