How to parse Apache logs with Ruby

Only supports the combined format at the moment... ```ruby class ApacheLog FORMATS = { :combined => %r{^(\S+) - - \[(\S+ \+\d{4})\] "(\S+ \S+ [^"]+)" (\d{3}) (\d+|-) "(.*?)" "([^"]+)"$} } class << self def each_line(log_file, log_format = FORMATS[:combined]) f =, "r") f.each_line do|line| data = line.scan(log_format).flatten if data.empty? p "Line didn't match pattern: #{line}" next end yield data end end end end log_file = ARGV[0] ApacheLog.each_line(log_file) do |data| host, date, url_with_method, status, size, referrer, agent = data end ```