Capistrano 2 task for backing up your MySQL production database before each deployment

This Capistrano task connects to your production database and dumps the contents to a file. The file is compressed and put in a directory specified with **set :backup\_dir, "\#{deploy\_to}/backups"**. This is a slight modification of . All credit to [court3nay]( ```ruby task :backup, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do filename = "#{backup_dir}/#{application}.dump.#{}.sql.bz2" text = capture "cat #{deploy_to}/current/config/database.yml" yaml = YAML::load(text) on_rollback { run "rm #{filename}" } run "mysqldump -u #{yaml['production']['username']} -p #{yaml['production']['database']} | bzip2 -c > #{filename}" do |ch, stream, out| ch.send_data "#{yaml['production']['password']}\n" if out =~ /^Enter password:/ end end ``` To automatically backup your data before you deploy a new version add this to **config/deploy.rb**: ```ruby task :before_deploy do backup end ``` To restore the backup run the following command: ```ruby mysql database_name -uroot < filename.sql ```