How to use god to monitor a pack of mongrels

[God]( is a monitoring framework written in Ruby that can be used for monitoring, for example, mongrel processes. Installing god -------------- Install god with the following command: ```ruby sudo gem install god ``` Configuring god --------------- To configure god, first create a master configuration script by saving the following in /etc/god/god.rb: ```ruby # load in all god configs God.load "/etc/god/conf/*.rb" ``` Now, save this configuration in /etc/god/conf/ ```ruby # # Test this configuration file by executing: # god -c /path_to_this_file -D # require 'yaml' # # Change these to match your project setup # APPLICATION = "" ROOT = "/var/www/#{APPLICATION}" # deployment directory RAILS_ROOT = ROOT + '/current' # current release directory MONGREL_CONF = ROOT + '/shared/mongrel_cluster.conf' # mongrel_cluster.conf file # Read in mongrel_conf OPTIONS = YAML.load_file(MONGREL_CONF) # Read mongrel configuration # # TODO This can be simplified # def ports(port, servers) ports = [] start_port = port end_port = start_port + servers - 1 for port in start_port..end_port do ports << port end ports end PORTS = ports(OPTIONS['port'].to_i, OPTIONS['servers'].to_i) # # Returns path of mongrel pid or log file: # # mongrel_path "/tmp/", 9000 => "/tmp/" # def mongrel_path(file_path, port) file_ext = File.extname(file_path) file_base = File.basename(file_path, file_ext) file_dir = File.dirname(file_path) file = [file_base, port].join(".") + file_ext File.join(file_dir, file) end # # Returns the mongrel_rails start, stop or restart command depending on command parameter # def mongrel_rails(command, port) raise "Unsupported command '#{command}'" if !['start', 'stop', 'restart'].include?(command) argv = [ "mongrel_rails" ] argv << command argv << "-d" if command != 'stop' argv << "-e #{OPTIONS['environment']}" if OPTIONS['environment'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-a #{OPTIONS['address']}" if OPTIONS['address'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-c #{OPTIONS['cwd']}" if OPTIONS['cwd'] argv << "-f #{OPTIONS['force']}" if OPTIONS['force'] && command == 'stop' argv << "-o #{OPTIONS['timeout']}" if OPTIONS['timeout'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-t #{OPTIONS['throttle']}" if OPTIONS['throttle'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-m #{OPTIONS['mime_map']}" if OPTIONS['mime_map'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-r #{OPTIONS['docroot']}" if OPTIONS['docroot'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-n #{OPTIONS['num_procs']}" if OPTIONS['num_procs'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-B" if OPTIONS['debug'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-S #{OPTIONS['config_script']}" if OPTIONS['config_script'] && command != 'stop' argv << "--user #{OPTIONS['user']}" if OPTIONS['user'] && command != 'stop' argv << "--group #{OPTIONS['group']}" if OPTIONS['group'] && command != 'stop' argv << "--prefix #{OPTIONS['prefix']}" if OPTIONS['prefix'] && command != 'stop' argv << "-p #{port}" if command != 'stop' argv << '-P ' + mongrel_path(OPTIONS['pid_file'], port) argv << '-l ' + mongrel_path(OPTIONS['log_file'], port) if command != 'stop' cmd = argv.join " " return cmd end PORTS.each do |port| do |w| = "#{APPLICATION}-#{port}" = "mongrels" w.interval = 30.seconds w.start = mongrel_rails('start', port) w.stop = mongrel_rails('stop', port) w.restart = mongrel_rails('restart', port) w.start_grace = 10.seconds w.restart_grace = 10.seconds w.pid_file = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "/tmp/pids/mongrel.#{port}.pid") w.behavior(:clean_pid_file) w.start_if do |start| start.condition(:process_running) do |c| c.interval = 5.seconds c.running = false end end w.restart_if do |restart| restart.condition(:memory_usage) do |c| c.above = 150.megabytes c.times = [3, 5] # 3 out of 5 intervals end restart.condition(:cpu_usage) do |c| c.above = 50.percent c.times = 5 end end # lifecycle w.lifecycle do |on| on.condition(:flapping) do |c| c.to_state = [:start, :restart] c.times = 5 c.within = 5.minute c.transition = :unmonitored c.retry_in = 10.minutes c.retry_times = 5 c.retry_within = 2.hours end end end end ``` Add a script for each site you want to monitor. Starting god ------------ To start god execute: ```ruby god -c /etc/god/god.rb ``` For a list of available commands run god with the help switch: ```ruby $ god --help Usage: Starting: god [-c ] [-p | -b] [-P ] [-l ] [-D] Querying: god [-p ] god [-p ] god -v god -V (must be run as root to be accurate on Linux) Commands: start start task or group restart restart task or group stop stop task or group monitor monitor task or group unmonitor unmonitor task or group remove remove task or group from god load load a config into a running god log show realtime log for given task status show status of each task quit stop god terminate stop god and all tasks check run self diagnostic Options: -c, --config-file CONFIG Configuration file -p, --port PORT Communications port (default 17165) -b, --auto-bind Auto-bind to an unused port number -P, --pid FILE Where to write the PID file -l, --log FILE Where to write the log file -D, --no-daemonize Don't daemonize -v, --version Print the version number and exit -V Print extended version and build information --log-level LEVEL Log level [debug|info|warn|error|fatal] --no-syslog Disable output to syslog --attach PID Quit god when the attached process dies --no-events Disable the event system --bleakhouse Enable bleakhouse profiling ``` Surviving reboots ----------------- Save the following in /etc/init.d/god: ```ruby #!/bin/bash # # God # RETVAL=0 case "$1" in start) god -c /etc/god/god.rb -P /var/run/ -l /var/log/god.log RETVAL=$? echo "God started" ;; stop) kill cat /var/run/ RETVAL=$? echo "God stopped" ;; restart) kill cat /var/run/ god -c /etc/god/god.rb -P /var/run/ -l /var/log/god.log RETVAL=$? echo "God restarted" ;; status) RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo "Usage: god {start|stop|restart|status}" exit 1 ;; esac exit $RETVAL ``` Make the file executable with chmod: ```ruby chmod +x /etc/init.d/god ``` Tell Debian to run the script at startup: ```ruby sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f god defaults ```