Parsing feeds with Ruby and the FeedTools gem

This is an example of how to use the FeedTools gem to parse a feed. FeedTools supports atom, rss, and so on... The only negative thing about FeedTools is that the project is abandoned, the author said this in a comment from March 2008: “I’ve effectively abandoned it, so I’m really not going to go taking on huge code reorganization efforts.” Installing ---------- ```ruby $ sudo gem install feedtools ``` Fetching and parsing a feed --------------------------- Easy... ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'feed_tools' feed ='') puts feed.title puts puts feed.description for item in feed.items puts item.title puts puts item.content end ``` Feed autodiscovery ------------------ FeedTools finds the Slashdot feed for you. ```ruby puts'').href ``` Helpers ------- FeedTools can also cleanup your dirty XML/HTML: ```ruby require 'feed_tools' require 'feed_tools/helpers/feed_tools_helper' FeedTools::HtmlHelper.tidy_html(html) ``` Database cache -------------- FeedTools can also store the fetched feeds for you: ```ruby FeedTools.configurations[:tidy_enabled] = false FeedTools.configurations[:feed_cache] = "FeedTools::DatabaseFeedCache" ``` The schema contains all you need: ```ruby -- Example MySQL schema CREATE TABLE cached_feeds ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, href varchar(255) default NULL, title varchar(255) default NULL, link varchar(255) default NULL, feed_data longtext default NULL, feed_data_type varchar(20) default NULL, http_headers text default NULL, last_retrieved datetime default NULL, time_to_live int(10) unsigned NULL, serialized longtext default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ``` There's even a Rails migration file included. Feed updater ------------ There's also a feed updater tool that can fetch feeds in the background, but I haven't had time to look at it yet. ```ruby sudo gem install feedupdater ``` Character set/encoding bug -------------------------- As always, there are bugs that you need to be aware of, Feedtools is no different. There's an encoding bug, FeedTools encodes everything to ISO-8859-1, instead UTF-8 which should be the default encoding. To fix it use the following code: ```ruby ic ='ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8') feed.description = ic.iconv(feed.description) ``` You can also try [this patch]( ```ruby cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ wget patch -p1 feedtools_encoding.patch ``` The character encoding bug is discussed on this page: Time estimation --------------- By default FeedTools will try to estimate when a feed item was published, if it's not available from the feed. This annoys me and will create weird publish dates, so usually it's a good idea to disable it with the timestamp\_estimation\_enabled option: ```ruby FeedTools.reset_configurations FeedTools.configurations[:tidy_enabled] = false FeedTools.configurations[:feed_cache] = nil FeedTools.configurations[:default_ttl] = 15.minutes FeedTools.configurations[:timestamp_estimation_enabled] = false ``` Configuration options --------------------- To see a list of available configuration options run the following code: ```ruby pp FeedTools.configurations ```