How to use RSpec and ZenTest in a standalone Ruby project

First install the RSpec and ZenTest gem: ```ruby $ sudo gem install rspec zentest ``` Next create the spec folder: ```ruby $ cd project_folder $ mkdir spec ``` Save the following to **spec/helper.rb**: ```ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..' require 'rubygems' require 'spec' #require 'spec/rake/spectask' not needed, because ZenTest supports rspec now ``` Now create **spec/transcoder\_spec.rb**, and add the following test to it: ```ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../transcoder.rb' context "Transcoder" do setup do # Setup your stuff here end it "should support 3gp format" do Transcoder.convert("me_and_you.3gp").should == true end end ``` Let's not forget the class we're testing, put this code in **lib/transcoder.rb**: ```ruby class Transcoder def initialize end def self.convert(file) return true end end ``` Note that autotest automatically looks for your code in the lib folder. Now run the test with the zentest command: ```ruby autotest ``` Change your files and autotest will run the test again. Tip: Read [Getting started with Autotest - Continuous Testing]( and [Setting up autotest to use Growl on OSX]( for more information on how to increase your productivity.