How to install the exception_logger Rails plugin and protect the logs with basic authentication

This snippet explains how to install and use the Rails exception\_logger plugin. I'll also show you how to protect your logs by extending the plugin with basic authentication. ```ruby script/plugin source script/plugin install exception_logger ``` I'm using Rails Edge on this project, so I had to install classic pagination also: ```ruby script/plugin install svn:// ``` Next create and execute the migration file: ```ruby ./script/generate exception_migration rake db:migrate ``` Before starting the server we need to setup the routes: ```ruby map.exceptions '/logged_exceptions/:action/:id', :controller => 'logged_exceptions', :action => 'index', :id => nil ``` You also need to include the ExceptionLoggable in your ApplicationController: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ExceptionLoggable ... ``` Start your server and access the exception log at /logged\_exceptions. Exceptions can contain email addresses, passwords, credit card numbers, so you'll want to protect /logged\_exceptions from the public. This can be done by adding the following code to the end of environment.rb: ```ruby config.after_initialize do require 'application' unless Object.const_defined?(:ApplicationController) LoggedExceptionsController.class_eval do before_filter :authenticate protected def authenticate authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |username, password| username == "foo" && password == "bar" end end end end ``` With this code we add a before filter that shows a login dialog to anyone trying to access /logged\_exception/. Note that this requires Rails 2.0 basic authentication to work, so make sure you have the proper version installed.