How to fix "SSL client CA chain cannot be verified" haproxy error

Check which client certificates CA names the server accepts ----------------------------------------------------------- ```bash $ openssl s_client -connect -servername Acceptable client certificate CA names /C=FI/ST=Finland/O=Vaestorekisterikeskus TEST/OU=Terveydenhuollon testiammattivarmenteet/CN=VRK TEST CA for Healthcare Professionals /C=FI/ST=Finland/O=Vaestorekisterikeskus TEST/OU=Testivarmenteet/CN=VRK CA for Test Purposes ``` Export client certificate public key to a file ---------------------------------------------- If needed, export the client certificate's public key to a file, e.g. xyz.pem. Check who has issued the client certificate: -------------------------------------------- ```bash $ openssl x509 -in xyz.pem -text Issuer: C=FI, ST=Finland, O=Vaestorekisterikeskus TEST, OU=Terveydenhuollon testiammattivarmenteet, CN=VRK TEST CA for Healthcare Professionals ``` Is the issuer one of the CAs listed in step \#1? Verify client certificate ------------------------- If yes, verify the client certificate against haproxy's ca-file: ```bash cat xyz.pem | openssl verify -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/haproxy-ca-file.pem ``` If validation fails, you probably need to add some root or intermediate certificates to /etc/ssl/certs/haproxy-ca-file.pem.