Recursive queries with connectby in Postgres

Create an organization hierarchy and display the organization from the top: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION "tablefunc"; CREATE TABLE organizations(id text, parent_id text, pos int); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row1',NULL, 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row2','row1', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row3','row1', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row4','row2', 1); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row5','row2', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row6','row4', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row7','row3', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row8','row6', 0); INSERT INTO organizations VALUES('row9','row5', 0); -- Fetch self and descendants for row1 SELECT * FROM connectby('organizations', 'id', 'parent_id', 'row1', 0, '~') AS t(id text, parent_id text, level int, branch text); ``` Output: ```sql id | parent_id | level | branch ------+-----------+-------+-------------------------- row1 | | 0 | row1 row2 | row1 | 1 | row1~row2 row4 | row2 | 2 | row1~row2~row4 row6 | row4 | 3 | row1~row2~row4~row6 row8 | row6 | 4 | row1~row2~row4~row6~row8 row5 | row2 | 2 | row1~row2~row5 row9 | row5 | 3 | row1~row2~row5~row9 row3 | row1 | 1 | row1~row3 row7 | row3 | 2 | row1~row3~row7 ``` Usually it's better to use recursive CTE queries: ```sql WITH RECURSIVE organization_tree AS ( SELECT id, parent_id FROM organizations WHERE id = 'row1' UNION ALL SELECT, organizations.parent_id FROM organizations, organization_tree WHERE organizations.parent_id = ) select * from organization_tree; ```