Getting Started With React.js and Rails

Why use React.js? ----------------- - React ~35kb vs. Amber.js ~100kb - Easy to learn compared to Ember.js and Angular.js - Supports server-side rendering - Great performance - Angular.js documentation is horrible - [Angular.js is the new EJB]( Why shouldn't you use React.js? ------------------------------- - React.js is difficult to integrate with JS libraries that move or create DOM elements, e.g. jQuery UI - React.js is still evolving. Expect API changes to break your app. Installation ------------ Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'active_model_serializers' # You probably want this gem too... gem 'react-rails', '~> 1.0.0.pre', github: 'reactjs/react-rails' ``` From the console run: ```ruby bundle rails g react:install ``` Make sure you have this in app/assets/javascript/application.js: ```ruby # ... #= require react # For the
syntax #= require react_ujs #= require_tree components ``` Add this to config/environments/production.rb ```ruby Rails.config.react.variant = :production ``` And this to config/environments/development.rb ```ruby Rails.config.react.variant = :development ``` Hello World ----------- Create app/assets/javascripts/components/ (note the file extension): ```ruby ###* @jsx React.DOM ### window.Hello = React.createClass render: ->
``` app/views/layouts/application.html.erb ```ruby …
/> or: <%= react_component 'Hello', name: 'John' %> .... ``` Troubleshooting --------------- - Unexpected token '<' Error Did you forget to add this to the top of your React component file (.js.jsx)? ```ruby /** @jsx React.DOM */ ``` or this to your CoffeeScript component ( ```ruby ###* @jsx React.DOM ### ``` - Target container is not a DOM element. Does the DOM element exist? Did you forget to call React.renderComponent in jQuery’s $(document).ready? - Adjacent XJS elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag Multiple nodes need a parent element: ```ruby
    // Doesn't work without
    ``` - Still doesn’t work? react-rails is not stable; expect it to break. Gotchas ------- - The only way to get a handle to a React Component instance outside of React is by storing the return value of React.renderComponent: - Integration with e.g. Bootstrap is not trivial and will break when APIs change: Solutions: [React.js Google Group](!topic/reactjs/mHfBGI3Qwz4) [React.js and jQuery sortable]( [React.js and select2]( [React.js and Bootstrap Modal]( [React.js and Kendo UI]( - You need to change the HTML "class" attribute to "className" in JSX