Ruby on Rails Security Checklist

Checklist --------- \* Don't store passwords (config/database.yml, db/seeds.rb), API keys (Amazon AWS), the Rails secret token (config/initializers/secret\_token.rb), etc in version control. \* Don't store production passwords and API keys on developer laptops. \* Inject secrets, API keys, etc with e.g. [dotenv]( \* Don't import production data to other environments without obfuscating or cleaning data. \* Use a different secret token in production than staging, development, and other environments. \* AR serialize and store (YAML) is using eval. Don't use YAML, use JSON. \* Don't write redirect\_to params\[:url\]. If you have to then add **only\_path: true**, or use **URI.parse** to get the path component. \* ActiveRecord is not safe from SQL injection. See for details. \* Enforce password strength. \* Set cookie timeout **expire\_after: 30.minutes**. \* Hash passwords before storing them in a database (**has\_secure\_password**). \* Don't use GET for actions that change data ([RequestForgeryProtection]( \* Uploaded files should be sanitized, name, path, etc. \* Downloads of uploaded files should most likely be authorized ([send\_file]( , [Downloads done right]( Recommended Software -------------------- \* secure\_headers gem (Content Security Policy) \* mod\_security (Apache & nginx web application firewall) \* rack::attack gem (Similar to mod\_security) \* bundler\_audit gem (Checks Gemfile.lock for vulnerable gems) Further resources ----------------- \* [Ruby on Rails Security Guide]( \* [XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet ]( \* [Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet]( \* [DOM based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet]( \* [HTML5 Security Cheat Sheet]( \* [SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet]( \* [Attack Surface Analysis Cheat Sheet]( \* [Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet]( \* \* ```ruby ```