Recursive Postgres Query That Finds Descendants of a Node in a Tree

VoilĂ , the recursive query we are going disect in this snippet: ```sql WITH RECURSIVE tree AS ( SELECT id, name, parent_id FROM nodes WHERE id = 25 UNION ALL SELECT,, nodes.parent_id FROM nodes, tree WHERE nodes.parent_id = ``` Here we define a virtual table called tree: ```sql WITH RECURSIVE tree ``` This SQL finds the root node and initializes the recursive function: ```sql SELECT id, name, parent_id FROM nodes WHERE id = 25 ``` The next part recursively fetches the descendants of the root node: ```sql SELECT,, nodes.parent_id FROM nodes, tree WHERE nodes.parent_id = ``` This SQL query fetches the root node and all its descendants from the tree: ```sql SELECT * FROM tree; ``` ## ActiveRecord / Rails This example shows how to use CTEs in ActiveRecord to find the parent and suborganizations in a conglomerate: ```ruby class Organization belongs_to :parent, class_name: 'Organization', required: false has_many :children, class_name: 'Organization', foreign_key: :parent_id scope :roots, -> { where(parent_id: nil) } def ancestors(id, columns=Organization.column_names) cols = columns.join(', ') child_id = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(id) Organization.from <<~SQL (WITH RECURSIVE org_tree(#{cols}, path) AS ( SELECT #{cols}, ARRAY[id] FROM organizations WHERE id = #{child_id} UNION ALL SELECT #{ { |col| "organizations.#{col}" }.join(', ') }, path || FROM org_tree JOIN organizations ON = org_tree.parent_id WHERE NOT = ANY(path) -- avoid infinite loops where e.g. parent = self ) SELECT #{cols} FROM org_tree WHERE id != #{child_id}) as organizations SQL end def descendants(id, columns=Organization.column_names) cols = columns.join(', ') parent_id = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(id) Organization.from <<~SQL (WITH RECURSIVE org_tree(#{cols}, path) AS ( SELECT #{cols}, ARRAY[id] FROM organizations WHERE id = #{parent_id} UNION ALL SELECT #{ { |col| "organizations.#{col}" }.join(', ') }, path || FROM org_tree JOIN organizations ON organizations.parent_id = WHERE NOT = ANY(path) -- avoid infinite loops where e.g. parent = self ) SELECT #{cols} FROM org_tree WHERE id != #{parent_id}) as organizations SQL end end ``` ```ruby # Find parent companies Organization.find(1).ancestors # Find suborganizations Organization.find(1).descendants ``` ## Details * Use UNION instead of UNION ALL if you have duplicates, or if you're not worried about performance when Postgres has to scan for duplicates. * [WITH Queries in Postgres]( * [Recursive queries can loop indefinitely]( if e.g. self.parent = self. If this happens, use the ANY() function to check if path has been visited once already. Alternatively, use validations to make sure circular references don't happen, and hope for the best. * You can use [Arel's recursive feature]( to generate recursive CTE queries with Arel. * Rails CTE gem: