How to migrate from rvm to rbenv

These instructions explain how to migrate from rvm to rbenv. Uninstall & Install ------------------- Start by executing the following command: ```ruby rvm implode. ``` Next: 1. Install rbenv Follow installation instructions found [here]( 2. Install ruby-build Follow instructions found [here]( 3. Install REE ```ruby ruby-build ree-1.8.7-2011.03 $HOME/.rbenv/versions/ree-1.8.7-2011.03 ``` Need Ruby 1.9? Check which versions of Ruby rbenv supports with this command: ```ruby ruby-build --definitions ``` 4. Set global ruby Edit ~/.rbenv/default and add: ```ruby ree-1.8.7-2011.03 ``` RVM Gemsets ----------- You don't really need RVM gemsets as Bundler can install everything under your application directory. All you have to do is create the file ~/.bundle/config and put the following in it: ```ruby --- BUNDLE_PATH: vendor/bundle ``` This will tell bundler to install the gems in vendor/bundle instead of the global environment. Verify that the configuration is okay by executing the following command: ```ruby % bundle config Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used. path Set for the current user (/Users/christian/.bundle/config): "vendor/bundle" disable_shared_gems Set for your local app (/Users/christian/Projects/xxx/.bundle/config): "1" ``` Create alias for 'bundle exec' ------------------------------ With RVM out of the picture you'll have to run commands with 'bundle exec'. Add this to /.bash\_profile\\ or/.zsh/aliases: ```ruby alias b='bundle exec' ``` This will save you some typing by allowing: ```ruby b rails console # same as "bundle exec rails console" ``` Gotchas ------- \* If you have issues compiling ree because of readline errors, make sure you have the latest version of ruby-build and then try specifying some options when compiling: ```ruby CONFIGURE_OPTS="-c --enable-shared -c --with-readline-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/" ruby-build ree-1.8.7-2011.03 ~/.rbenv/versions/ree-1.8.7-2011.03 ``` \* System wide installation can be achieved as outlined in [this gist](