How to post a message to the Facebook wall with OmniAuth/Devise

In your [OmniAuth/Devise-callback controller]( add this line: ```ruby # session['fb_access_token'] = omniauth['credentials']['token'] ``` This will save the auth\_token, which we’ll need for accessing the Facebook API. Next, in your Devise initializer, usually config/initializer/devise.rb, request additional permissions: ```ruby config.omniauth :facebook, 'heh', 'lol', :scope => 'publish_stream,email,offline_access,manage_pages' ``` The offline\_access permission means you can use the token even if the user logs out. Now if a user logs in you’ll have access to the user’s Facebook access\_token, which can be used to post to his wall. ```ruby api_key = 'heh' api_secret = 'lol' client =, api_secret, :site => '') token =, session['fb_access_token'])'/me/feed', :message => "testing") ``` To understand how it all works, read about [Facebook permissions](, the [Graph API]( and the [documentation on the post command]( Getting the Access Token ------------------------ You can also use this URL to get a permanent access\_token: ```ruby ``` Posting links ------------- Use to post links. Posting to a page ----------------- When posting to a page you need to change "me" to the page name: ```ruby'/acmexxx/post', :message => "testing") ``` If you need to post to the page as the page itself, not the admin user, you need to get the access\_token for the page. First you need to add the manage\_pages permission: ```ruby config.omniauth :facebook, 'heh', 'lol', :scope => 'publish_stream,email,offline_access,manage_pages' ``` You should now login as the page admin and get a new access\_token, which you can then use to get a list of accounts and pages you are the administrator for: ```ruby ``` You should see the access\_token for each page listed in the response, use it to post to the page as the page.