Testing sessions with Sinatra and Rack::Test

You need support for testing sessions when, for example, testing authentication. The only way I've managed to get sessions to work with Sinatra and Rack::Test is by going through the whole stack, in other words calling the authentication controller as shown here: ```ruby @user = Factory(:user) # create a dummy user User.expects(:authenticate).with(any_parameters).returns(@user) # make authenticate return the dummy user post "/sign-in", {:email => @user.email, :password => @user.password} # login to the application and set a session variable. ``` After this the session populated and we're logged in when accessing the application again: ```ruby post "/articles", {:title => 'Sessions suck', :body => '...'} ``` On a side note, there are two ways of specifying sessions that used to work, but which no longer work with Sinatra 1.0: ```ruby get '/', :env => { :session => {:abc => 'adf'} } get '/', {}, :session => {:abc => 'adf'} get '/', {}, "rack.session" => {:abc => 'adf'} ``` The session is always empty. There are many discussions about sessions and Rack::Test, but not one of them has a solution that works for me: \* [rack.session variable is missing env under test environment](https://sinatra.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9779/tickets/314-racksession-variable-is-missing-env-under-test-environment) \* [Sessions with rspec and Rack.Test](http://groups.google.com/group/sinatrarb/browse_thread/thread/a9de4f690631b3a1)