How to extract video metadata with mplayer and Ruby

You can easily extract video metadata into a hash with mplayer and Ruby: ```ruby class Metadata def self.get(file) command = "mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify #{file}" metadata = nil Open3.popen3(command) do |input, output, error| metadata = output.readlines.grep(/ID_.*/).collect {|name| name[].split('=')} metadata = metadata.inject({}) {|hash, (key, value)| hash[key.to_sym] = value.chomp; hash} end return metadata end end ``` Then in an RSpec test do: ```ruby it "should support 3gp" do metadata = Metadata.get("videos/sony_ericsson_k850i.3gp") metadata[:DEMUXER].should == 'mov' metadata[:VIDEO_FORMAT].should == 's263' metadata[:VIDEO_WIDTH].should == '176' metadata[:VIDEO_HEIGHT].should == '144' end ``` Note to self: metadata.demuxer would perhaps be a slightly better syntax.